
Wood Stove Exchange Program Survey

As we have so many wood burning heating units in the electoral area I thought I would make this available to residents wanting input. You might even win a $100. gift card. Public Service Announcement January 8, 2021 Cozy up with a survey to improve Central Okanagan wood stove exchange program The Regional District of Central...

Brent Road – Disappointed

This taxation issue was the first and main irritant to the residents of Brent Road, I found this out for myself when I knocked on doors during the 2014 local government election. I brought the matter to the last RDCO Board and got no support from the West Kelowna Members. When a...

Radon Challenge

I decided to see what the Radon levels were in my Killiney Beach home. I participated in the instructional webinar (AUDIO) explaining general information on Radon, the detectors and mitigation. I picked up and placed my detectors and will wait the 91 days to get the results. I will let you...

Red Flags in Charity Governance – Webinar

Red Flags in Charity Governance (AUDIO) is the topic for today's webinar from Governance Solutions. This seminar uses the WE charity and the problems with the children's program that the Liberal Government Sole sourced and the conflict in interest by the Prime Minister and Finance Minister....

Friends of Fintry funding threatened

The funding is not threatened... it's going, going, gone. The Regional Board voted 7 to 5 to eliminate the 37k that went to Friends of Fintry bto pay for a curator,mDan Bruce, to operate the Manor House/Museum and the Octagon Barn both extremely important historical landmarks for the Okanagan Valley. The dissenting...

Household Bulky Items Collection for North Westside residents

Household Bulky Items Collection for North Westside residents North Westside Road residents within the Central Okanagan will have a special opportunity to dispose of unwanted bulky items this fall. Wednesday October 7th, through Wednesday October 14th, during regular operating hours at the North Westside Road...

RDCO Air Quality Program offers free Radon Test Kits

This is a chance to test for Radon in your home. I have applied for one, always wondered knowing Radon is prevalent in the Okanagan. I will let you know how my test in lower Killiney Beach goes. See the Media article for free test kits. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It's produced...

Okanagan Lake’s ‘full pool’ target hasn’t changed for decades, but maybe it should

This was an interesting piece from the media. InfoTel News  Rob Munro  August 20 2020 • 7:30 AM Okanagan Lake’s 'full pool' target hasn’t changed for decades, but maybe it should (the Okanagan Basin Water Board and Regional District of the Central Okanagan asking for their support...) Wayne Moore - Aug 25, 2020 / 2:46 pm Peachland believes...

Fintry Park Users & Delta Residents Need Fix for Safety Issues

200806 - I met today with senior representatives from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure & BC Parks regarding the traffic flow, signage and parking issues at the entrance to Fintry Park/Campground. We all agreed that there were serious issues and relatively simple solutions.
  1. Change the traffic pattern/flow on Fintry Delta Road: It...