
Derelict car an ‘eyesore’… No More!

UPDATE: The cars are gone.  Before I even got to Post this notice. Thanks Blake.
This is a scene that everyone driving past Fintry Delta Road has had to see since December 2019. Another vehicle is off the road just past La Casa and has...

Local governments in the Okanagan take coordinated approach to phased reopening

VERNON MATTERS  Pete McIntyre  May 14 2020 4:19 PM  (also AM 1150Communities announce plan to reopen recreation facilities and programs (Provincial Health Officer.” Regional District of Central Okanagan: “We’re pleased to see so many….)
Following the recent unveiling of the BC’s Restart Plan outlining the phased reopening strategy for British Columbia, municipalities and...

Return to Work: Employment Law & COVID-19

Return to Work: Employment Law & COVID-19" In this webinar, a team of lawyers from the firm Fasken Law will provide information and guidance on how to respond to the significant changes employers are facing due to COVID-19 and how to plan for the post-pandemic landscape. When operations resume and employees return...

Recovery from COVID-19

200507 - Looks like B.C. is going into the Recovery Stage of the COVID19 Pandemic but all precautions from my original COVID19 POST should still be followed until further notice. The RDCO Response Actions were discussed and received by the Regional Board. The best information for BC on COVID19 is on...

UPDATE: Wildfire Hazard… in your backyard

In a CHBC update to a POST on the wildfire hazard to Traders Cove there is good news. Thank you Dustin and TOLKO you really stood up at a bad time to help a community sleep safer. Thank you also to Travis Lowe and CHBC for your community interest and support. Global...

Power Outage – North Westside

UPDATE: 12:55 power back on, no reason given on Hydro site as to why the power went out. At 9:50pm, May 05 2020 while still at home in isolation from COVID19 we find ourselves in the dark. It has been raining hard for about an hour but not much wind. I am waiting...

Wildfire Hazard… in your backyard

I met with CHBC in support of the Residents and the Wilson's Landing fire department who are the people and agency responsible if the worst happens. The ditches are full of dry tinder from the debris on the slope above Westside Road, a cigarette or spark...

The Plastic Problem – A PBS NewsHour Documentary

Here are a couple more documentaries on plastics worth watching. Even though the Environment is more a Provincial or Federal matter most movement in both Canada and the USA seem to come from local government where both the use and impact of these plastics is greatest.
By 2050...

Regional Board Approves Financial Plan

North Westside Parks Gas Tax Funded Projects

  • Dog Beach Fencing $ 5,000
  • Picnic Shelter – Killiney Beach $150,000
  • Comfort Station – Fintry Beach $ 18,000
The RDCO Board approved the 2020 Budget on Mar 23 2020 at the Monday night meeting. To listen to this or any Agenda Item relevant to EA West...

Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 virus situation has taken a nasty turn in the last few days since originally posting and new restrictions and recommendations are now being made. Please take the time to educate yourself on this virus. I will update as new information pertinent to our communities is made available from...

OKIB School Feasibility Study – Update

I attended a preliminary meeting on Jan 09 2020 with members of the OKIB, NWCA and the architectural firm running the School Feasibility Study. This school is proposed for the same school site the OKIB currently operates a school from. The purpose of...

North Westside Invited to Participate in OKIB School Survey

I received this information from the OKIB Representative inquiring as to the North Westside's interest in a school located on OKIB land by the current school site. Please follow the links provided or attend the community meetings listed for more information. Take the time to complete the Survey this could be a...