Power Outage – North Westside – May 4th – Thursday – 6am-6pm

Please be careful today during the power outage.  Candles, open flames and space heaters next to or close to flammable objects are extremely dangerous…  never leave them unattended; it only takes a moment for disaster to strike.

Be aware of carbon monoxide build ups… ensure there is a source of fresh air.


Remember to conserve the water as electricity is what gets all of the North Westside water to the upland reservoirs and that includes the private (La Casa, Fintry Delta & Estamont) as well as the public water systems (Killiney, Westshores & Valley of the Sun / Upper Fintry). No water in the reservoir means no water in the fire hydrants so use the water responsibly during the outage.

With all that in mind sit back and relax it will be a long hopefully quiet day in the North Westside.



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