News Release: North Westside Transfer Station Open Daily

News Release: September 03, 2021
North Westside Transfer Station Open Daily
As residents return home after the White Rock Lake Wildfire, the North Westside Road transfer station will be open daily from 8am until noon starting Saturday, September 4 until the end of the month.
The extended hours are designed to give residents additional access to the facility and support clean up and recovery work. To accommodate the extra material at the site, the transfer station will be closed each afternoon to deal with the influx of waste and make space for the following day. The facility will return to normal operating hours October 1st.
The North Westside Transfer Station is only open to RDCO residents, property owners and tenants. For residents outside the Regional District of Central Okanagan please contact your local government.
There will be no limit on the volume of bagged household waste impacted households can dispose at this time. The North Westside Rd Transfer Station is set up to receive bagged waste and non-burnt yard waste. The transfer station cannot take building materials, furniture, or large appliances, such as fridges and freezers. Hazardous material and demolition waste such as wood from damaged structures or burnt vehicles cannot be accepted.
For a detailed disposal guide on how to manage your cleanup efforts visit for Return to Home information.
RE Disposal of Fridges and Freezers:
Residents are asked to confirm with their Insurer before disposing of fridges or freezers. Once collected, they cannot be returned.
Curbside pick-up of ruined fridges and freezers is available until September 14th. Call 1-855-238-9350 to schedule your curbside pick-up. Please do not put fridges or freezers outside until just before your pick-up time to avoid attracting wildlife.
For those unable to coordinate during this time, call the RDCO recovery office a 250-469-6111 (after Monday September 6th) and a location for free drop off will be provided to you. Please note the Glenmore Landfill will not receive refrigerators or fridges containing food waste.
For alternate disposal options the Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre (2640 Asquith Road, West Kelowna) can accept large appliances and furniture but does not take electronics, small appliances or building materials. Please note this facility will not receive fridges or freezers containing food waste.
The North Westside Transfer Station was closed August 2nd due to the White Rock Lake wildfire. Residents that would normally use that solid waste and recycling disposal facility were directed to use the Traders Cove transfer station at the intersection of Bear Lake Main and Westside Road. Residents of the North Westside can continue to access both the North Westside Transfer Station and the Traders Cove facility.
The Traders Cove Transfer Station is open for regular operating hours, Wednesday 6:30 -11;30 am, Saturday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Please visit the website at locations or more information on materials that are accepted at Traders Cove.
For additional disposal options visit For additional resources on returning home, please visit resources.
For more information on where to take materials for recycling contact the RDCO Waste Reduction Office at or 250-469-6250.
Kelowna Now Cheyanna Lorraine Yesterday • 7:13 PM (also Vernon Morning Star) RDCO increases transfer station operations (Rock Lake wildfire, the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) will be…)