Flood Protection Removed from Killiney Beach – North Westside

I received this response from the RDCO CAO in response to my inquiry as to why the Tiger Dams protecting the road were removed from Killiney Beach Park.

Director Carson,

After speaking to the Operations Section at the EOC I provide the following update:

Following the failure of three of the Tiger Dams on Killiney Beach a geotechnical engineer conducted a review and wrote a report about the bank erosion measures deployed at that location.  Recommendations in the geotechnical report concluded the Tiger Dams, rip rap and sandbagging that were put in place were ineffective.  The deflated Tiger dams were at risk of floating into the lake.  A decision to remove the Tiger dams and redeploy them were they would be effective was made.

As a result, the access road through the Park will flood and it will be repaired after Lake Levels go down.  As the homes are higher in elevation, an Evacuation Alert was issued for the 5 properties.  The Park and boat ramp will remain closed for the foreseeable future.  The EOC continues to monitor the situation with the 5 homes at the end of the access road.

Here is a video of my walk or wade through the Park.

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