Area Advisory Committees for Central Okanagan West

It was my stated position during the election that I would be looking for community input through the use of advisory committees to manage the local services. At inception these committees should be broad based with the goal of representing the local areas input to the issues at hand. As time passes we can develop more in-depth sub committees to handle ongoing or special interest type issues that require more time and/or attention. The local community association (or a representative group of residents from the smaller communities) will form the bases of the Advisory Groups. These advisory committees should be comprised of both residents from the local group as well as residents at large with no affiliation necessary to the parent association, just a desire to move their community forward for the benefit of all.

If you belong to a community group urge them to contact me for more information on how to get their Advisory Committee up and running. If you don’t have a parent organization or require my assistance then contact me directly and I will help you.

This is your opportunity to have input and influence the services in your community.

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