Running Again in Central Okanagan West

Today is the first day in the 30 day election cycle.  Currently the drainage issue on the roads in several areas of Central Okanagan West is the top issue for Brent Road, North Westside, Wilsons Landing and Traders Cove as well as in Joe Rich in Central Okanagan East. We need to fix this before we lose a home or a life.  Lack of ditch maintenance with many blocked and/or no culverts have led to mudslides and property damage throughout these residential areas.  I had the opportunity to discuss a remedy for the mudslide/drainage problems within the residential areas of Central Okanagan West with several MLA’s, senor MOTI management as well as the Assistant Deputy Minister.  I have proposed a report to identify using the new LIDAR mapping, the problem and present a solution of keeping the runoff within the designed drainage.  With Central Okanagan East we hope to get the Regional District to prepare a report with the new LIDAR mapping to identify the flooding, drainage, water path obstructions that are causing the mudslides.

For information on the different areas within Central Okanagan West and more election stuff go to About Wayne – Election 2018.

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