Open burning permits start October 1

September 27, 2021
Open burning permits start October 1
Starting this Friday, open burning permits will be available for eligible Central Okanagan property owners from their local fire service.
Those meeting the requirements of local fire protection bylaws are eligible to receive a permit. If necessary, each fire jurisdiction enforces its own bylaw regulations.
Qualifying property owners that are entitled to burn within the four Central Okanagan East or Central Okanagan West electoral area fire protection areas (Ellison, Joe Rich, North Westside, Wilson’s Landing) may call the Regional District at 250-469-6223 to obtain a permit. Residents with questions about the burn permit process in the Central Okanagan should contact their local fire service.
Property owners with an open burning permit are also required to ensure they comply with the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Strategy Provincial Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation. Detailed information is available on the Ministry website. Questions about the regulation should be directed to Ministry staff.
Anyone eligible to conduct open burning should consider alternatives such as chipping, grinding or if applicable, yard waste disposal at the Glenmore landfill or the RDCO Westside Residential Waste and Recycling Centre off Asquith Road in West Kelowna (fees apply at both locations). North Westside and Traders Cove area residents may dispose of a maximum 10 bags of yard waste per visit at their transfer stations. The RDCO Air Quality program has more information available on other disposal options.
Before lighting any fire, property owners with a valid permit from their local fire service and meeting all of the Provincial Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation must call the toll-free Outdoor Burning Hotline: 1-855-262-2876 (BURN) to determine if open burning is allowed on a particular day. As well, each morning an online Outdoor Burning indicator is updated at Both the Venting and Air Quality conditions must be good for burning to take place.
Under the Regional District Smoke Control Bylaw, nuisance smoke from open burning is not allowed in the City of Kelowna, District of Lake Country, City of West Kelowna and the Central Okanagan East and Central Okanagan West electoral areas or under the bylaws of the District of Peachland. Yard waste such as leaves, pine needles, grass clippings, weeds and other garden waste are not allowed to be burned.
Violators of local bylaws could receive a fine or be charged with the cost of putting out the fire by their fire service. Residents may report anyone violating local bylaws and burning on a non-burning day by calling the Regional Fire Dispatch Center at 250-469-8577. Potential violations of the Provincial regulations should be reported to the BC RAPP line (1-877-952-7277).
Under Regional District and local fire bylaws permitted open burning must be complete on April 30 although the date may be adjusted depending on the local fire hazard.
Central Okanagan residents should check with their local fire jurisdiction regarding regulations and restrictions on campfires, chimineas and other outdoor wood burning devices. Campfires, chimineas and other outdoor wood burning devices are not allowed in the City of Kelowna.
Lake Country Calendar Twila Amato Yesterday • 4:00 PM (also West K News, Capital News, Castanet, KelownaNow, Vernon Matters) Open burning season starts in Central Okanagan (The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) announced that eligible Central Okanagan property owners can apply…)