Directors salary released … Media

The Vernon Morning Star has an article with my salary and expense disclosure for last year. I find it ironic that with the salaries in the bureaucratic end of the local government skyrocketing that no emphasis was put in that direction. All the correspondence I have received has complained about the salary levels of RDCO senior management. These are the costs that we hope to leave behind with a new governance model.

The article did reference the CAO’s salary that in itself leaves a real sting for residents struggling with young families and those on a fixed income. Wheres their raise … oh ya it’s in their taxes certainly not in their autonomy!

I believe that the fire chief (referenced in the Morning Star article) who was hired after I left made more money in approximatly three years than I did in the twenty plus years I served as fire chief. It’s decisions like this and the 100k salaries that make these decisions that tell me that we need to move out of the Regional District administration of our affairs and services; their system is unsustainable.

Autonomy is necessary for a community such as ours with little or no growth … and lovin it. Representing your own interests is how you stay rural surrounded by three of Canada’s fastest growing urban centers that together represent 75% of the votes at the Board Table.

If you haven’t signed the Governance Petition please read the literature on this site there is more information at the North Westside Community Association web site or you may leave questions in the comments section.



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