White Rock Lake Wildfire status update – Held / Evacuation Alerts removed from Caesars Landing to Fintry

Central Okanagan, B.C. — Eighteen properties on Bouleau Lake Road remain under Evacuation Order and properties from Estamont, Ewings Landing, Killiney Beach and Westshore Estates remain under Evacuation Alert due to the White Rock Lake wildfire. No change to this status is expected over the weekend.
Emergency Support Services at 1480 Sutherland Avenue will be closed through the long weekend, from Sept. 4 to 6, reopening Tuesday, Sept. 7 from noon – 4 pm. Evacuated residents requiring support services may call 250-469-8512, leave a message and a volunteer will call back.
Local residents are advised that a drone is being flown again Saturday morning from 6 to 9 am for an aerial assessment.
The public is asked to stay off Westside road and out of the area, to ensure access for emergency responders and local residents. Area residents must access their properties from the south along Westside Road as the north end of the road remains closed until further notice.
With access restored to the majority of Central Okanagan West Electoral properties this week, emergency operations support for the White Rock Lake fire is moving into the recovery phase.
The Regional District of the Central Okanagan has setup a dedicated recovery office for returning area residents and property owners who experienced significant structural damage. Information and resources, including the Returning Home Information guide, are available at www.rdco.com/recovery. Starting Tuesday, residents can email recovery@rdco.com or call 250-469-6111.
The North Westside Transfer Station will be open daily at 8 am (until noon) starting Saturday, Sept 4. There will be no limit on the volume of household waste impacted households can dispose at this time. The North Westside Rd Transfer Stations is set up to receive bagged waste and non-burnt yard waste. The transfer station cannot take building materials, furniture, or large appliances, such as fridges and freezers. Hazardous material and demolition waste such as wood from damaged structures or burnt vehicles cannot be accepted. For a detailed disposal guide on how to manage your cleanup efforts visit www.rdco.com/recovery for Return to Home information.
For fridge and freezer collection, please call 1-855-238-9350 to book a pick up or inquire about self-drop off options.
Residents with animals in the care of ALERT 250-809-7152 to retrieve their animals.
Residents and the public are requested to stay out of the backcountry. An Area Restriction Order is in effect for all crown lands in in the vicinity of the White Rock Lake wildfire. Details and a map can be found on the BC Wildfire Service website.
Residents are reminded to be cautious of potential hazards in the area due to wildfire and fire suppression activity. Watch for wildlife, hazard trees and debris on the roads. Contact 9-1-1 if you see spot fires threatening homes or other areas showing rapid growth.
Stay informed during fire season. Visit cordemergency.ca, sign up for e-updates, follow Central Okanagan Emergency Operations social media channels at facebook.com/cordemergency or twitter.com/CO_emerg.
Central Okanagan, B.C. — Evacuation Alerts due to the White Rock Lake wildfire have been removed for properties from Caesars Landing to Fintry in the Central Okanagan West Electoral Area. Properties on the following streets are no longer on Evacuation Alert:
Barcelona Dr E
Fintry Delta Rd
Kelly Pl
Marbella Loop
Santa Fe Way
Shorts Road
Valencia Way
Westside Rd N (6445N Westside Rd to
6808N Westside Road)
Dunwaters Rd
Fintry Provincial Park
La Palma Loop
Morden Rd
Santiago Loop
Terazona Dr
Verona Loop
Wood Rd
Fairbridge Rd
Gray Rd
Madrid Way
Muir Rd
Shalal Rd
Toledo Dr
Westside Rd (6409 Westside Rd to
7355 Westside Rd)
Eighteen properties on the Bouleau Lake Road remain under Evacuation Order.
2,259 properties from Estamont, Ewings Landing, Killiney Beach and Westshore Estates remain under Evacuation Alert. Residents in this area should be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Visit www.cordemergency.ca/map for a detailed map of properties on alert or order.
The public is asked to stay off Westside road and out of the area to ensure access for emergency responders and local residents. Area residents must access their properties from the south along Westside Road as the north end of the road remains closed until further notice. No access will be permitted from the north to any properties in RDCO.
Residents and the public are requested to stay out of the backcountry. An Area Restriction Order is in effect for all crown lands in the vicinity of the White Rock Lake wildfire. Details and a map can be found on the BC Wildfire Service website.
Residents are reminded to be cautious of potential hazards in the area due to wildfire and fire suppression activity. Watch for wildlife, hazard trees and debris on the roads. Information on returning safely to fire impacted areas can be found at www.cordemergency.ca/resources.
Although the Alert has been lifted, the area is still an active fire zone and residents are asked to be vigilant. Contact 9-1-1 if you see spot fires threatening homes or other areas showing rapid growth.
To report an unattended campfire or open burning violation, please call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. For up-to-date information on current wildfire activity, conditions and prohibitions, call 1 888 3-FOREST (1 888 336-7378) or visit: www.bcwildfire.ca.
Information on returning safely to fire impacted areas and preparedness can be found at www.cordemergency.ca/resources.
Stay informed during fire season. Visit cordemergency.ca, sign up for e-updates, follow Central Okanagan Emergency Operations social media channels at facebook.com/cordemergency or twitter.com/CO_emerg.
BC Wildfire has now classified White Rock Lake wildfire as held. A drone is being flown in the area today as part of an aerial assessment.
Residents are returning to Ewings Landing, Killiney Beach and Westshore Estates after the evacuation orders for those neighbourhoods were rescinded late yesterday afternoon. An evacuation order remains in place for 18 properties on Bouleau Lake Road.
Residents returning the area must enter from the south along Westside Road as the north end of the road remains closed until further notice. No access will be permitted from the north to any properties in RDCO. Non-residents should avoid using Westside Road between Firwood Road and Irish Creek Road. There is no access to Parker Cove.
The North Westside Transfer Station will be open daily from 8am until noon starting Saturday, Sept 4 until the end of the month. There will be no limit on the volume of household waste impacted households can dispose at this time. Visit www.rdco.com/recovery for Return to Home details including fridge, freezer and garbage disposal.
Returning residents are reminded to stay out of the backcountry. An Area Restriction Order is in effect for all crown lands in in the vicinity of the wildfire. Details and a map can be found on the BC Wildfire Service website.
Before returning home, residents should consult the Re-Entry Checklist and other important information in the Returning Home Guide available at regionaldistrict.com/recovery. Copies of the guide are also available at the Shorts Creek Station 102 parking lot at 7355 Westside Road North between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The Emergency Operations Centre recommends that residents returning home bring bottled water with them. As a result of wildfire damage, a Do Not Consume Notice is in place for the Killiney water system. This water should not be used for drinking, making beverages, brushing teeth or food preparation. Killiney is also under stage four water restrictions, which means no outdoor water use except what is required for health and safety.
In addition, a Water Quality Advisory is in place until further notice for the Upper Fintry-Shalal Road-Valley of the Sun water systems.
Curbside pick-up of ruined fridges and freezers is available during the first week after evacuation orders lift for each area. Call 1-855-238-9350 to schedule your curbside pick-up. Please do not put fridges or freezers outside until just before your pick-up time to avoid attracting wildlife.
Telus crews have fully restored wireless services in the area, which means all customers can use their cell phones to make voice calls, send text messages, and connect to the Internet. Customers returning home that have a TELUS PureFibre connection will have fully operational Internet, TV, and SmartHome Security services. Customers on a copper connection will not have access to Internet and TV services immediately upon returning home.
Additional security is in place in fire impacted zones to support the return of residents to their neighbourhoods.
A Returning Home Information Session on Sep. 1 provided residents with information about what to expect as they prepare to go back to the area. The recorded session is available at: www.youtube.com/regionaldistrict.
As focus begins to shift to local-area recovery, the Regional District of the Central Okanagan has setup a dedicated recovery office. Area residents and property owners who experienced significant structural damage will be able to access resources at rdco.com/recovery, email recovery@rdco.com or call 250-469-6111.
Castanet.net Darren Handschuh Yesterday • 6:40 PM (also Global Okanagan) After 52 days, destructive White Rock Lake fire now classified as ‘held’ (related to the fire, Central Okanagan Emergency Operations lifted evacuation orders…)