Snow Removal in the North Westside

Feeling Snowbound? Here is some basic information on our roads. In an Electoral Area such as North Westside the roads their maintenance and snow removal are a Provincial responsibility. The Province is responsible (not the Regional District) in the care and maintenance on all roads (with the exception of the strata areas where road responsibility falls to the private owners of those roads) including Westside Road and all interior subdivision road networks. This service comes out of the Vernon Area and they work their way to our community this would also include all the road networks on O.K.I.B. Lands between us and Vernon. This extensive road network in the North explains why the roads to the South of North Westside are cleared earlier than ours…  there are simply fewer roads in the area and a different contractor and therefore easier to manage. This is the reason you are still waiting for snow removal in front of your home days after the snowfall, you haven’t been forgotten we are just unfortunately at the end of a long list.

I have found J.P.W. (local contractor out of Vernon) to do a good job for us even if snow removal is not as quick as we would like. Roads will be a big component of any Governance Study and we will receive information that will enable us to explore possible changes to the service that would be  beneficial to all the residents living “rural”.

For those interested tonight’s Board Meeting will see the long-awaited Staff Report and a motion to move North Westside forward in its request for a Governance Study by the Province.

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