RDCO Response to Hefty Pay Increases

Bruce Smith the RDCO Public Relations Manager has responded to the NWCA quiry on the Castanet Article Hefty Hikes for Senior RDCO Management.  There sure does not seem to be much support for the Regional District position in the Comments Section … ouch.

From NWCA: Bruce Smith has responded to the email that I sent to you earlier today, and he requested that I share this.  Think of this as you wish, but I had a really great laugh. Bob Andrews, NWCA President.

Email to NWCA President Bob Andrews “RDCO Response to wage increases.”

Extra pay periods and overtime costs don’t change the bottom line take home pay and yearly increases that far exceed that of the people that they “work for”?  Mr Smith’s response: “It should be noted that the reported increases in pay, should not be confused with salary increases or raises.    That is an erroneous leap to make.  Total remuneration for both Regional Board Directors and staff is based on salary plus any overtime received by an employee.  It doesn’t reflect an increase in their salary.”  democratic-spin-doctoring-spin-doctors-spinning-out-of-contr-political-poster-1302103308


That’s not how the residents contacting me see the situation, they clearly are mad and upset.  This situation is even more aggravating to myself as an elected official that does not support these senior management pay hikes and has no legislative ability to block or reduce them on behalf of my taxpayers in the electoral areas.

The sooner the electoral areas move towards a Governance Study the sooner we can determine a better path for our administration, service delivery and costs. As small rural communities surrounded by much larger and faster growing municipalities we need to protect ourselves from the urban sprawl that is our neighbours reality.


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