North Westside governance comes under fire


North Westside governance comes under fire is the latest news story on the Governance study wanted in the North Westside.  Although the article mentions “some people” the story only refers specifically to one resident upset she has not been consulted. “Not everyone is as interested in changing things,” states the resident ignoring the almost 700 residents that did sign the petition requesting a study. Findlay (the resident identified) wants Carson and the communities association to slow down on the governance issue and consult with residents. “There should be another way to canvas the community to see if there are enough of us who truly want a change,” she said. This statement flies in the face of the hundreds of residents that signed the petition to the Ministry of Community Sport & Culture, attended the several community meetings and functions and the dozen or more newspaper, radio and tv stories as well as the many RDCO Board Meetings over the last year and a half where this Study and the need for information has been discussed.

The story states Findlay wants Carson and the communities association to slow down on the governance issue and consult with residents. This consultation has been done over the last 1.5 years as stated above and it is now time for action. Government is the slowest form of change possible with roadblocks at every turn; brakes are the last thing we need at this point. The purpose of the Governance study is to acquire information for the residents to make an educated decision on what is the future of their community and its affordability.

I’m sure that some residents are satisfied with the status quo, every government in the world has some support … but is it value for what you are paying in taxes and utility charges. People that do not participate or contribute to these taxes or utility fees currently decide the level and costs of those services and fees ignoring the elected official your representative … this is not democracy it is taxation without representation and very un-Canadian.

“Even if we become a municipality, we’re still going to be part of the regional district.” this same resident states. This statement is true but incomplete. As a municipality we would determine as all municipalities do our local service levels (planning, fire, water, community parks and solid waste) and their costs. The RDCO Board would continue to determine functions of a Regional nature based on population and assessment as it should be. Decisions on our services would be ours as that should be.

A Provincially funded Governance Study is the answer to these questions and will provide an indepth look at how our services and functions are currently managed … how can that be a bad thing. The Ministry of Community Sport & Culture will be sending staff to the November 28 RDCO Board Meeting to answer questions the Board may have on the process.

After that Q&A I will put forward a motion to the RDCO Board for a Resolution of Support for the Governance Study and an application to the Ministry of Community, Sport & Culture for the funding for that Study.


Director Carson & Minister Fassbender

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