Additional North Westside Study Committee open house
A fourth Information open house has been added for residents of North Westside Road communities within the Central Okanagan West electoral area.
It’s scheduled for Thursday, July 7 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Killiney Beach Community Hall, 516 Udell Road.
Representatives from the North Westside Governance and Services Study committee along with committee consultants will be on hand with information and to answer questions about the committee’s work, its interim report and receive any comments from residents. A feedback form will be available for participants to fill out.
The consultants will provide a presentation at 7 p.m. followed by a facilitated Question and Answer session. All the information provided at this session will be the same as was presented at three previous open houses in June.
The study committee and independent consultant are engaging residents in an analysis of the current regional district governance and service delivery in the Electoral Area with a particular emphasis on the communities within the North Westside Fire Protection area. The study is exploring residents’ governance concerns, common interests and this fall, will provide options to address their most pressing needs within the regional district governance framework.
To view the draft study review and complete an online feedback form visit
Castanet Jon Manchester June 27 2022 • 10:57 AM North Westside Study Committee open house on future governance (the regional district governance framework,” the RDCO says. A draft study….)
The Vernon Morning Star Black Press Jun 24 2022 • 10:00 AM North Westside governance study adds fourth open house (within the regional district governance framework. To view the draft study review…)