The NEW Electoral Area Services Committee – EAS

The inaugural meeting and selection of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Electoral Area Services Committee (EAS) was held at the RDCO Board Room on February 23 2023. This new Committee of the Board will be responsible for providing a venue for residents in Electoral Areas East and West to discuss, advise, criticize and in general participate in their Local Government. In time I believe that this Committee will allow the Board of the Whole to concentrate on issues of Regional significance while the EAS can remain focused on the issues most important to the rural residents of the two electoral areas. The Agenda is available in both HTML & PDF on the RDCO Web Site.
I was elected Chair for the EAS while Kevin Kraft the Director for Central Okanagan East was elected Vice-Chair, these are one year terms for these positions.
The EAS will provide the Board of the Whole with recommendations based upon discussions, staff reports, subject matter experts and delegations from residents on issues important to the residents and taxpayers from the electoral areas of RDCO.
In time it is my hope that the Board of the Whole which is dominated by our municipal partners, will readily except the motions and recommendations from the EAS therefore reducing the time the full Board spends exploring issues and concerns from the electoral areas. This will save time for the municipal members and allow the Committee of the Whole to concentrate on regionally significant issues while still providing the electoral residents with a Local Government more focused and responsive to what is important for our small rural communities.