This Issues page started off with comments and concerns I heard while door knocking and speaking to the residents during the November 2014 election period. I have broken them into geographical and community areas that would make more sense for the development of Policy suited to that particular area and their concerns.
If you have any new, missed or additional issues that are not covered here please contact me. or call 250-801-4859.
I can not help you if I don’t know there is a problem. Updates on issues and functions are dated and each appear in a different coloured font under the subject heading for that issue and community.
2016 – Governance and Taxes are the issues people seem most concerned with. More details are available on the Governance Page.
- WATER SYSTEMS – 2015 – An in-depth audit is needed to satisfy the users that the system and it’s finances are in good condition and being operated to our best interests. 15-04-01 – This audit needs to happen sooner rather than later. The many public problems with the Waste Water Treatment Plant in West Kelowna are I fear indicative of the larger problem within the management team at our regional district and in particular the reasons for the distrust felt by the residents to the operators of their services. 15-05-22 – R.D.C.O. Open Houses are scheduled for Killiney Beach Hall on June 2 & 11 from 3 – 7 PM. Representatives will be there to explain your services. New water rate structure to be explained as well as capital work to be done. 16-01-29 – Water rate increases for all six Regional District water system have been approved by the Board with both Director Hanson and myself . We asked for financial accountability and were accused of reckless and irresponsible actions by Board members and out voted 10 to 2 ?? UPDATE: Killiney Beach 2.9 million dollar infrastructure upgrade is fully funded (2/3 Federal Infrastructure Grant; 1.8 million dollars received) and construction should begin in Q1 of 2016. At this same time a $500,000 increase to the Westshore Water system reservoir replacement was proposed “for cost savings” by piggybacking with the Killiney Project already approved and funded 2/3 by the Federal Government bring the total replacement cost to $848,000 with no current grant funding only Westshore water user Capital Reserve dollars. This project was not discussed with residents during the Open House Meetings (that cost >$20,000), never appeared in the WaterTalk Newsletter but was determined to be “end of service life and in need of immediate replacement in November 2015?
- GRAVEL PIT – 2015 – The gravel pit south of La Casa needs to be discussed in public sessions of the Regional Board as opposed to the in camera discussions last time it was an issue. What’s to hide?
- PARKS – 2015 – Once again an in-depth audit of Regional Parks expenditures in this communities park sites. Westshores Park needs a drinking fountain, lighting, picnic area and a change facility for the athletes using the fields. 15-05-22 – Looks like the drinking fountain and electrical connection will be happening in 2015. 16-01-29 – Electrical connection did happen in 2015 but we are still awaiting the drinking fountain although it has been promised for Q1 in 2016. As well the Bandstand in planned for completion by Canada Day for the NWCA 2nd Annual Canada Day Celebration. Killiney Beach Park needs road surfacing (Maybe 2015), more rip rap to protect road, get rid of the poison ivy, fuel mitigation on the back slope to protect the homes above the park in Killiney Beach from wildfire. Relocate the utility pole on the beach site to a more suitable location (Also supposed to happen in 2015, should be removed entirely) . Expand the parking along the west side of the beach road. 16-01-29 – A few potholes were filled and one picnic table were all that happened to Killiney Beach Park, real disapointing. Killiney Beach Hall repair potholes on access road, hydro seed back slope to stop erosion. Again nothing to show for our tax dollars here.
- FIRE SERVICE – 2015 – Form an advisory committee to develop a strategic plan for the fire service and determine how that service will operate and what it will cost into the future. 15-04-01 – There are serious Budgetary problems within the fire service and an Advisory Committee in this area would go a long way to help rectify the situation Regionally. Director Hanson and I tried to make some changes at Budget time and were blocked by the Board who neither participate nor contribute to this service. 15-05-22 – Since the last update the fire service on the East side has lost two long term extremely qualified and dedicated fire chiefs, change in direction is the reason given. This is Policy and Direction and that is what the elected officials are supposedly in charge of yet these decisions are currently under the exclusive authority of RDCO Administration and this is not proper protocol and needs to change. 16-01-29 – Had fire-fighters from the two west-side departments inquiring about not being paid for the July “Shelter Cove” fire even though it has now been 7 months and counting. Requests for payment fell on an unsympathetic management team at the Regional District and Christmas past with no money for the guys who fought the fire. I inquired at the January 14 Regional Board Meeting and I and the Board were assured that the Fire-fighters had been paid their regular rate and would receive the balance upon payment by the Province. Latter that day I was informed by email that “a misunderstanding had occurred” and that the fire-fighters had not been paid. This is the same management they want us to trust our fire departments too?
- TRANSFER SITE – No Curb Side Pick-up! 2015 – After at least four surveys in this community emphatically turning down curb side pick-up of the garbage and recyclables it seems to keep reappearing. 15-04-01 – There is no change to the Transfer Site operation in the Budget for this year. 16-01-29 – 30 year lease signed for the Sugarloaf Site with Province. I have received resident feedback on the cramped space at the Sugarloaf Site and the untidy appearance at the Trader Cove Site. I have spoken with RD Staff but their appears to be little interest in site improvements at this time.
- ROADS – 2015 – Many residents from the various communities with in the North Westside have complained to me about the state of their sub division roadways. Upper Fintry with dirt and gravel roads, crumbling pavement in Valley of the Sun and Killiney Beach, maintenance and ploughing issues for Attenbourgh Road and numerous potholes in Westshore Estates. Upgrades to Westside Road are essential but should not be done at the expense of our local roadways. Comments? 16-01-29 – Patchwork on interior roads in 2015. New pavement on a stretch of Westside Road through Killiney Beach to Marchbank Road.
- LA CASA – 2015 –
Develop a means for the ATV/UTV’s to safely and legally cross Westside Road through the La Casa Site between the beach and store sides.14-12-09 – Contact the Strata Manager for information on licencing to allow crossing Westside Road for all golf carts and off road vehicles operated within the La Casa Strata areas. 16-01-29 – Loop Road approval from Provincial Government and BC Parks good news for La Casa.
- TIMBER RIDGE DEVELOPMENT – 2015 – Gather local input and ensure transparency during the development and construction phases while gauging the impact on the existing services. Explore areas of mutual benefit to both the new and existing developments in the area. 16-01-29 – No news from 2015.
- FIRE SERVICE – 2015 – Form an advisory committee to develop a strategic plan for the fire service and determine how that service will operate and what it will cost into the future. 15-04-01 – There are serious Budgetary problems within the fire service and an Advisory Committee in this area would go a long way to help rectify the situation Regionally. Director Hanson and I tried to make some changes and were blocked by the Board who neither participate nor contribute to this service. 15-05-22 – Since the last update the fire service on the East side has lost two long term extremely qualified and dedicated fire chiefs, change in direction is the reason given. This is Policy and Direction and that is what the elected officials are supposedly in charge of yet these decisions are currently under the exclusive authority of RDCO Administration and this is not proper protocol and needs to change. 16-01-29 – Had fire-fighters from the two west-side departments inquiring about not being paid for the July “Shelter Cove” fire even though it has now been 7 months and counting. Requests for payment fell on an unsympathetic management team at the Regional District and Christmas past with no money for the guys who fought the fire. I inquired at the January 14 Regional Board Meeting and I and the Board were assured that the Fire-fighters had been paid their regular rate and would receive the balance upon payment by the Province. Latter that day I was informed by email that “a misunderstanding had occurred” and that the fire-fighters had not been paid. This is the same management they want us to trust our fire departments too?
- GRAVEL PIT – 2015 – The gravel pit south of La Casa needs to be discussed in public sessions of the Regional Board as opposed to the In Camera discussions last time it was an issue. WHAT’S TO HIDE?
- SPEED DANGER – 2015 – The stretch of Westside Road from Station 42 going south on Westside Road down the hill past Browse Road to the top of the hill and the same problem coming down the road from that point the other way. 16-01-29- With the improvements taking place just south of this area I’m sure the problem has not gone away I am expecting traffic speeds on Westside Road to increase overall with the up-grades.
- AMALGAMATION – 2015 – This was brought up at the Station 42 Forum in Wilson’s landing. In the many doors I knocked on in this area, not once was it mentioned. West Kelowna is the only municipality on the boundary. The tax base would have to be enough to off set the costs West Kelowna would face in an amalgamation with any area. Doesn’t sound like an issue at this time.
- TRANSFER SITE – No Curb Side Pick-up! 2015 – After at least four surveys in this community emphatically turning down curb side pick-up of the garbage and recyclables it seems to keep reappearing. 15-04-01 – There is no change to the Transfer Site operation in the Budget for this year. 16-01-29 – I have received resident feedback on the cramped space at the Sugarloaf Site and the untidy appearance at the Trader Cove Site. I have spoken with RD Staff but their appears to be little interest in site improvements at this time.
- WESTSIDE ROAD – 2015 – Continue with the upgrades to Westside Road. 16-01-29 – First stretch is done and looking good. Sheep seem lost due to all the activity I have spotted them as far North as Killiney Beach!
REMOVAL– 2015 – The loss of the boat launch facility at Bear Creek Provincial Park has left the residents in this area without a means of putting their watercraft in and out of the lake. We need to explore the idea of a boat launch in Raymer Bay or Traders Cove Regional Parks to see if this is a solution to the problem. 15-05-22 – More input as to location is needed from the local community. 16-01-29 – Parks has this boat launch in the Wilsons Landing area on their plans for 2016 and I will be making Gas Tax funds available to offset the cost for the residents. - TRUCK TRAFFIC AND SPEED – 2015 – Many residents in the Traders Cove area (especially the properties adjacent to Westside Road) have complained about an increase in gravel truck traffic and it’s speed coming down from the Bear Creek Main Road and on to Westside Road travelling to the south.
- HOUSE BOAT MOORAGE IN E.A. WEST 2016 – 16-01-29 – Complaints were received in 2015 from residents regarding the second houseboat that showed up by the log booms on the south side of Bear Creek Park. I inquired about a bylaw similar to Kelowna and West Kelowna but the Board turned it down as they determined they would incur costs to provide the service. I thought this decision did not represent the best interests of EA West. The Province opened a file and it seems they were sucessful this time with the new boat and an investigation is ongoing with the big one closest to the Bear Creek Park.
- FIRE SERVICE – 2015 – Develop a community plan to build a fire service to mitigate the structural and wildfire risk in the community. 16-01-29 – Nothing new in 2015.
- GUN RANGE – 2015 – Seemed to be an issue with many residents. Transparency and process seem to have failed here. 15-04-01 – I have been told that this project has “gone away”. 16-01-29 – This land is now part of the land swap with WFN and therefore will soon be under their jurisdiction. That will probably be thew end to this gun range.
- CAMP SITE – 2015 – Also seemed to be an issue with many residents. Transparency and process seem to have failed here as well.
- AMALGAMATION or NOT – 2015 – Another issue with water and services at the core. I would work with the community to come to some consensus as to what would be best for the community and take that to the Board. 16-01-29 – A restructuring/governance study has been requested by both EA Directors and this study should provide some guidance to this issue.
- LEFT TURN LANE – 2015 – I would work with the community to lobby Highways and the Provincial M.L.A. to establish a left turn lane from 97S onto Brent Road. My twenty years of road rescue tells me this turn is a serious accident waiting to happen. 16-01-29 – Bring it up any opportunity I get with either MOTI or Provincial Representatives with no results as yet.
- REVIEW TAX REQUISITION – 2015 – There are items on the local tax bill that need to be reviewed. To pay for a facility that is not a reasonable distance from your residence is unfair and should be reviewed. 15-04-01 – I asked during Budget discussions to have this tax removed from the tax requisition for this area and did not get a satisfactory answer. I will continue to insist this is not a fair tax. 16-01-29 – I will bring this issue up again during Budget deliberation but their is no will in West Kelowna to address this and they will have the support of the Board for any proposed changes.
- SEWER AND AMALGAMATION – 2015 – So far this does not seem to have any support within the community. I suspect the Regional District is looking for another multi-million dollar project. 15-04-01 – There are no plans or discussions on this matter before the Board. 15-05-22 – As only 1/2 of Peachland is currently on sewer this does not appear likely anytime in the foreseeable future. 16-01-29 – No plans or discussions to date.
IR 9 & 10 – 2015
- Review the Policy regarding eligibility of the gas tax to the IR 9 & 10 Lands. 15-05-22 – There may be an opportunity to address this issue at the U.B.C.M. (Union of BC Municipalities) in the fall.
- Carbon Tax Credit – Need to find out more about this issue as it was expressed to me as a concern.
- Had a meeting with a representative of Westbank First Nation and got a chance to discuss the role I would play as the elected Regional District Director responsible to IR 9 & 10 residents.
- Explored the area and found no residents. If you live up there please get a hold of me from the contact page. I would love to discuss your issues with you.
- 16-01-29 – the owner showed up for a Board Meeting re: one year extension to his zoning application. This is the last extension he will get on this application. Should he not meet the conditions within that period of time he will be required to start the process over from the start including the Public Meetings. The owner is hopeful that he will get investors in place and proceed with his plans for expansion of the ski facilities and a 5 star resort hotel.