New North Westside fire chief resigns
I received this notification from the RDCO regarding the most recent fire chief for the North Westside Fire Rescue. These turnovers are disappointing at best, I can only hope that we can secure the right person for our department as both the fire department and the community need this leadership position filled. Fire season approaches fast and we have work to do to put us in a more secure position that last year.
Fire Chief Ron Ewert, who started with the department in February, will be announcing to the members this evening that he will be stepping down as Chief.
He had not yet moved to the North Westside permanently and due to a change in his family situation he will be returning to Kamloops.
Shawn Barnes, the Deputy Chief will be leading the hall, supported by the RDCO Fire Services Manager and if required, mutual aid from Wilson’s Landing Fire.
At this time, there is no change in service provided by the fire department. RDCO staff will be working diligently to provide the hall with additional support. This includes posting the Chief position and additional officer positions as soon as possible.
Vernon Morning Star Jennifer Smith March 30 2022 • 2:00 PM (also Daily Courier, Castanet, Capital News, West K News) New North Westside fire chief resigns (due to a change in family situation will be leaving the North Westside,” Regional District of Central Okanagan…)