Fridge/Freezer Disposal Update for North Westside Residents

Fridge/Freezer Disposal Update for North Westside Residents
For North Westside Road residents affected by the White Rock Lake Wildfire, please be advised that booking curbside collection of fridges and freezer will end at noon on Thursday, September 16th. All affected residents that have not had their fridge or freezer collected should call 1-855-238-9350 by noon Thursday.
Residents can drop off fridges or freezers to the gravel pit above the North Westside Transfer Station on Sugar Loaf Mountain Forest Service Road no later than noon on Friday.
“We’re pleased to offer our communities three more days of free curbside pickup collection. It has been a well used service and approximately 600 fridges and freezers have been collected since re-entry. We expect to collect a few hundred more before the service ends on Friday, September 17. Residents must call the contractor by Thursday, September 16 to book their pick- up. After Friday, any uncollected fridges of freezers will need to be emptied and properly disposed by their owners,” said Travis Kendel, Manager of Engineering Services.
(Please do not put your fridges or freezers outside until just before your pick-up time to avoid attracting wildlife).
There will be no extensions or additional pickups of fridges/freezers curbside after end of day Friday September 17.
Alternate Fridge/Freezer Disposal Options:
For disposal options after Friday September 17th, please take your fridge/freezer to the any one of the following disposal locations for free drop off.
Please note, fridges and freezers must be cleaned and emptied of all contents prior to drop off at any of the following facilities.
- Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre 2640 Asquith Road, West Kelowna (Regular tipping fees will apply for food stuffs and all other materials)
- Planet Earth Recycling, 1400 Industrial Road, West Kelowna
- Glenmore Landfill, 2710 John Hindle Drive, Kelowna
- Save fridges/freezers for free drop off at the Fall Bulky Collection Event, North Westside Road Transfer Station , mid October, dates to be determined
The North Westside Transfer Station on Sugar Loaf Mountain Forest Service Road will continue to remain open daily 8am until 12 noon for the month of September.
The extended hours are designed to give North Westside residents additional access to the facility and support clean up and recovery work. To accommodate the extra material at the site, the transfer station will be closed each afternoon to deal with the influx of waste and make space for the following day. The facility will return to normal operating hours October 1st.
The North Westside Rd Transfer Stations is set up to receive unlimited volumes of bagged household waste and non-burnt yard waste. The transfer station cannot take building materials, furniture, or large appliances, such as fridges and freezers. Hazardous material and demolition waste such as wood from damaged structures or burnt vehicles cannot be accepted.
The North Westside Transfer Station is only open to RDCO residents, property owners and tenants. For residents outside the Regional District of Central Okanagan please contact your local government.
For a detailed disposal guide on how to manage your cleanup efforts visit for Return to Home information. For additional recovery information, call the RDCO recovery office at 250-469-6111.
For additional disposal options visit
For more information on where to take materials for recycling contact the RDCO Waste Reduction Office at or 250-469-6250.
Media Cindy White Sept 14 2021@5:37 PM (also Vernon Morning Star, Capital News, West K News, AM 1150) 600 fouled fridges collected so far from evacuees (and contamination. The North Westside Transfer Station is only open to RDCO residents,)
Vernon Matters Liam Verster Sept 15 2021@7:30 AM Fridge and freezer disposal options available for North Westside Rd residents until Friday (of refrigerators and freezers damaged in the blaze. The Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) is offering…)
Global News Doyle Potenteau Sept 15 2021@2:25 PM (also Vernon Matters, Vernon Morning Star) Large influx of garbage, appliances from White Rock Lake wildfire (in your area. Central Okanagan regional district residents are being strongly encouraged…)